Technology and Innovation for Smart Publishing (TISP, concluded)
FEP is a partner in the TISP project (Technology and Innovation for Smart Publishing) and a member of the NEM platform (New European Media), two initiatives aimed at increasing the integration of ICT and creative industries and at helping to shape the EU policy on research, development and innovation through feedback from the creative sector.
In this framework, TISP (in cooperation with NEM) has launched a Europe-wide survey aimed at investigating what the publishing industry needs in terms of access to research and finance and the R&D areas currently most relevant for innovation and investment by publishers.
The Frankfurt Bookfair is responsible for managing the survey and Nina Klein is the contact person for this (
The aim of the survey is twofold:
• To get input from stakeholders on the topic of R&D to be used for recommendations on EU funding programmes
• To reach out to stakeholders and promote TISP/ NEM as well as individual partners
Target group: European book publishing companies in the widest sense and their service providers.
The survey is open and available via the TISP Smart Book at will run until 9 September.
The results of the survey will be presented in a Stakeholders’ workshop planned for 8th October (2.00-4.30 pm) during the Frankfurt Book Fair, where Commission representatives of the Horizon 2020 and Creative Europe programmes will be present.
The workshop, also organised by TISP and NEM and the Frankfurt Book Fair, aims at connecting stakeholders from publishing, technology and related creative industries at EU level to discuss about what publishers need in order to innovate and how the EU can support research and innovation in the publishing sector.
The workshop will host:
Innovative companies telling their success stories and their failures and what they need/ would have needed to make their lives easier.
TISP and NEM presenting their approach and recommendations.
EC representatives (DG Connect & DG Culture) presenting their strategy for supporting innovation in the creative industries.
Presentation of the results of the TISP/ NEM survey on R&D needs in EU publishing.
A moderated discussion will take place.
Please don’t hesitate to share the survey

- Announcement survey
Spread the word and send an invitation for the workshop to relevant stakeholders, i.e. innovative companies in book publishing, amongst your networks. The workshop is limited to 50 participants, and registration is necessary via email to Nina Klein (, deadline: 15 September.

- Invitation workshop